Quick Hits: Converting SQL Express to Full SQL Server

Recently I had reason to deploy a new SQL Server instance for a quick POC. As many in the scenario would, I initially chose to install SQL Express, rather than messing with license requirements and all that. As sometimes happens, after everything was already set up and configured, I discovered a need to use the …
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Promoting External Parameters

I am fully aware that I have been writing a lot of posts recently but, in my defense, work has recently left me unsupervised. This means I’ve had lots of time to spend working on fun PowerShell side projects, which naturally also means more blogs. As part of my current pet project, I had been …
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Parsing PowerShell – A Follow-Up

Previously, I wrote an article on using AST and a specific ‘gotcha’ that I encountered, as well as how to work around it. If you haven’t read that article, I’d encourage you to do so. The Trouble with AST in PowerShell Today, I’m back with a new wrinkle, another work around, and a bit of …
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The Trouble with AST in PowerShell

Ok, if you are new to PowerShell, you aren’t going to have a clue what this ‘AST’ thing even is. AST has been covered extensively by others in the past, so I won’t go into details here (just Google PowerShell and ast). In brief, AST stands for Abstract Syntax Tree, and its purpose is to …
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All Your PSBase Are Belong to Us!!

If you’ve been working with PowerShell for any real length of time, you know that PowerShell is deeply tied to the .NET framework. If you weren’t aware of that, perhaps because you only use a handful of cmdlets for limited and specialized purposes, or only use scripts posted online, well…surprise!! Everything in PowerShell, at the …
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PowerShell Module Adventures: Part 4

About now, it is time for some housekeeping items I think. We’ve been trudging along in this series working through a logical set of steps. In the last article, I talked about a couple of pretty important helpers; DTOs and AutoMapper. In addition to this, the earliest articles in the series were focused a lot …
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